News and views from the award-winning author of the novels The Skinny Years, America Libre, House Divided and Pancho Land

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

AMERICA LIBRE’s Official Release

July 29th is a red letter day for me. Today marks the Grand Central Publishing official release of my debut novel AMERICA LIBRE. As you can imagine, getting published by a major house is a long and challenging process. But that’s all the more reason to celebrate the hard work. So I’d like to invite you to share in the fun – and maybe win a little cash.
The “My America Libre” Photo Contest
Winner’s share: $50 Cash

Here’s how it works: Take a digital photo of your copy of AMERICA LIBRE. Post it on the Photos section of the Friends of AMERICA LIBRE Facebook group or on Twitter at #MyAmericaLibre. The most original photo as judged by our distinguished panel of international aesthetic experts (that would be me and my agent) will be declared the winner on August 19, 2009. You can enter as many times as you like, too. (By the way, be inventive but keep it legal. Please don’t risk life, limb or imprisonment in your creative pursuits. It’s only 50 bucks.)

You can enter on Facebook here.
You can enter on Twitter with the hash tag: #MyAmericaLibre

Contest ends August 19, 2009.

I hope you’ll take part and would love to hear your thoughts on this contest.

With best regards,
Raul Ramos y Sanchez


Carolyn G said...

Congratulations on the release of America Libre!!

The Mustang To Paducah Period Pieces Blog said...

Gracias, Carolyn! I truly appreciate your support. You are una amiga de veras.

Anonymous said...

I’ve just written my own novel. It’s set in the second decade of the 21st century, and it poses a chillingly credible nightmare vision . . . a Hispanic liberation movement seeking to redraw the borders of the United States.


“After years of affirmative action backlash, anger seethes in the nation’s quiet suburbs. The once-peaceful streets bristle with restless youth idled by hiring laws that favor non-whites over equally-qualified whites. When Hispanic 'activists' in Austin accidentally kill a young American of German ancestry during a Cesar Chavez Day parade, riots erupt across the Southwest.

As the war of the colors escalates, Latino vigilantes strike back with suburban shooting rampages. Exploiting the turmoil, a congressional demagogue succeeds in passing legislation that transforms the nation’s huge illegal immigrant population into American citzens.

Amid the chaos in his small Hill Country town, Siegfried Weiss is out of work and struggling to support his growing family. Under the spell of a beautiful Nordic history professor/firearms instructor, the former U.S. Navy SEAL eventually finds himself questioning his loyalty to his former beliefs - and his country.

Fast-paced and action-packed, AMERIKA ERWACHE! is a wake-up call to the dangers of extremism - on both sides of this explosive issue.”

The Mustang To Paducah Period Pieces Blog said...

To "Anonymous": Please post your comment on every website you can. I appreciate the publicity ... even from gutless bigots who are afraid to identify themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ad hominem? Is that the best you can do? Surely a bold Aztec warrior such as yourself can come up with a better response than that. Perhaps you should consult a wise Latina (especially if she is a beautiful, fiery revolutionary) and try again.

See you at el nuevo Alamo!