News and views from the award-winning author of the novels The Skinny Years, America Libre, House Divided and Pancho Land

Monday, May 13, 2013

Ohioana Book Festival - A celebration of the written word

Most of us who write do so because we are compelled to it. Even those fortunate enough to achieve some measure of success still endure a long trail of setbacks along the way – and there is always the solitary nature of our craft. Being an Ohioana Book Festival featured author was an experience that made those sacrifices worthwhile. I want to publicly thank the Ohioana staff for this honor and the fine work they do on behalf of all Ohio authors and readers.

The book festival was marvelously coordinated, a day that made the authors feel special and gave readers a chance to share in the magic of writing. The outreach activities before the festival were elegantly managed as well. Congratulations to the Ohioana Library team on another wonderful event.

The Columbus Dispatch carried a full page story on the book festival
The crowds filed in promptly at 10:00am and lasted all day.
I was honored to be among the ten featured authors at the 2013 Ohioana Book Festival. Back row, left to right: Ellis Avery, Daniel Kirk, Robert Olmstead, Raul Ramos y Sanchez, Emilie RIchards. Front row, left to right: Rae Carson, P. Craig Russel, Bob Hunter, Sharon Short, Carla Buckley. 

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